ANS 92 & ANS 192: Internships in Animal Science (1-12 units) – informal
3 hours per unit. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and approval of internship application. Internships occur off and on campus in dairy, livestock, equine, and aquaculture production, research and management; or in a business, industry, or agency associated with these or other animal enterprises. All requirements of Internship Approval form must be met, both at the facility and with a writing assignment. (P/NP grading only) Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters.
Specific internship faculty sponsorship: Animal Science Horse Barn, Center for Equine Health, and off-campus equine internships.
ANS 194: Research in Animal Science
Laboratory—6 hours; discussion—1 hour. Research with a faculty mentor. Weekly discussion and laboratory on specific research topic. May include a seminar to research group. Choose from sections: (1) Animal Behavior; (2) Animal Genetics; (3) Animal Nutrition; (4) Animal Physiology. May be repeated for credit for a total of four times.
ANS 194H: Undergraduate Honors Thesis in Animal Science (4 units x 3 terms)
Lecture—1 hour; laboratory—9 hours. Prerequisite: course 100 or Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior 101, Animal Biology 103 or Biological Sciences 103; minimum cumulative GPA of 3.200 and selection by the Honors Selection Committee; consent of instructor. Students will carry out a research project (chosen from faculty-suggested or approved proposals) during the academic year under the guidance of a faculty member. Upon completion, student will write a thesis and present a public seminar describing his/her research. (Deferred grading only, pending completion of sequence.)
ANS 99 & 199: Special Study for Undergraduates (1-5 units)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Training in scientific research and/or in analysis and communication of scientific findings. (P/NP grading only.)
HNR 190X. Honors Contract (1 unit)
Independent study or discussion (3 hours). Prerequisite: open only to students in the Davis Honors Challenge. In-depth examination of material in an upper division course as defined in an Honors Contract Proposal submitted by the student. Contract must be approved by the instructor and the Honors Council of the Academic Senate. May be repeated for credit.